Radio design workshop consultancy | Somaliland

by Unknown  |  at  10:00:00 AM

Health Poverty Action (HPA), formerly known as Health Unlimited (HU) is a British international, development organization, with a mission of supporting the poorest and most vulnerable people to achieve better health and wellbeing in their efforts. Health Poverty Action believes that health is a fundamental human right. HPA seeks to enable the poorest and most marginalized people, excluded from access to health services and information, to realise their rights to health and to improve their health and wellbeing through training aimed at building local capacity to deliver sustainable health services and information. HPA works with communities, health service providers and policy makers on long-term programs to develop appropriate and responsive health services and to influence policy and practice at all levels. HPA currently runs a regular radio programme (Saxan Saxo) aired on national radio stations to promote health messages across Somaliland as part of an integrated health service provision programme. HPA are currently seeking an experienced facilitators with a background in radio and TV production and script writing to facilitate radio designing workshop.
Consultancy Specification
  • At least 5 years’ experience of conducting radio design and production.
  • Knowledge of the Somali context and understanding of Somali or Somaliland health systems or similar Health Systems elsewhere in the Horn of Africa
  • Experience in script writing
  • Experience in report writing and documentation in English
  • Proficient in Somali and English (written and spoken)
  • Experience of working with Ministries, NGOs and other key stakeholders related to maternal health and SRHR
    Consultants should be available to commence work from June 2015.
Conditions of Application
Decisions on the consultancy will be made based on the submission of the following documentation
Technical Proposal
The Technical proposal should outline the suitability of the work
Detailed person specification and CVs for all consultants on team
A detailed person specification giving the details of the skills and experience. The qualifications of the team member/s should be clearly listed and identified. Applicants should also provide the names and contact details of three references for similar works.
Financial Proposal
A detailed financial proposal outlining the costs of conducting the training, daily fee, slights and transport. All expected costs should be included in the financial proposal. HPA will not pay additional costs that are not included in this document.

To apply and for this consultancy and to obtain a Detailed Consultancy Specification please email to

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