Film and Photography in Afgoye, Lower Shabelle

by Unknown  |  at  5:59:00 AM

Organisation Background
Oxfam has worked with local Somali organizations to implement Humanitarian and Development projects in Somalia for over 40 years, with the overall aim of reducing the suffering of Somalis afflicted by disasters. In particular, Oxfam pays close attention to those who are most vulnerable, women, men, boys and girls, the elderly and marginalised groups. To achieve this aim, Oxfam provides Somalis with life-saving assistance and more importantly as much as possible addresses the underlying causes of their vulnerability.
Being a humanitarian and development agency, Oxfam seeks to maximise opportunities and works with partner organisations in such a way that emergency response interventions are designed and implemented with a consciousness on forming key links to the possible rehabilitation and sustainable development phase later on. Oxfam is working through local partners to rebuild sustainable livelihoods, provide Humanitarian assistance, advocate for education for all and promote active citizenship and gender justice in Somalia.
Programme Summary
Building on our humanitarian relief work in Somalia, our livelihoods work helps to build and strengthen the resilience of communities to shocks by ensuring there is adequate linkage between relief and development. We focus on supporting the livestock sector, arable farming, natural resource management, alternative livelihoods and climate change adaptation.
The Lower Shebelle programme implemented by our partner Centre for Education and Development (CED) aims to improve food security and livelihoods and build resilience among vulnerable households and communities, while providing an effective social safety net to support the most vulnerable households in the targeted district through activities such as community-led mechanisms for water resource management; cash for work projects for irrigation and water harvesting; promotion of “Good Agricultural Practice” (GAP) approaches through establishment of farmer field schools for training of farmers; provision of inputs or grants for tools, equipment, seeds, and seedlings; and strengthening of community-level early warning committee.
The project is being implemented in fourteen select villages targeting 2,000 households (12,000 people) mainly those at risk of food insecurity, the poor and those vulnerable to the impacts of drought and insecurity. The project aims at increasing agricultural production of 600 small-scale farmers to address the low food security situation in the district and region as well, through distribution of improved seeds and inputs. In addition, the project aims to enhance the capacity of the small scale farmers through Training of Trainers (ToT) for 70 farmers as master farmers on good agricultural practices and 45 farmers to oversee Farmer’s Field Schools. These contact farmers are intended to train other farmers in their respective villages.
Scope of work
Oxfam is seeking the services of a video producer/ director/ videographer to visually document the major project activities in the program’s areas of operation, showing the project outputs and capturing the beneficiaries’ expectations. The consultant will be expected to:
· Travel to select villages in Afgoye district in Lower Shabelle.
· Carry out short 3-4 minute Vox-Pop type interviews with beneficiaries, community members, private company employees, Oxfam and partner staff and local leaders.
· Produce one 15 minute project video that highlights the accomplishments of the project to date, benefits of the partnership and impact to the community beneficiaries, community members, Oxfam and partner staff and local leaders.
The consultancy will entail 10 days of work: 6 days of film and photography in the field and 4 days for editing. All travel, accommodation and meal expenses will be covered by Oxfam. Note that dates might change based on flight schedules, availability of partners, or other factors.
1.15 minute video in HD:
  • Video shooting and editing – interviews of 10 families.
  • Script development, narration and translation.
  • 10 to 15 minute HD clip in Somali with English subtitles in DVD formats.
· Digital formats of each version of finalized film for online use.
  • 15 branded DVDs of the final work.
  • Web clips and all B roll footage.
2.High quality/High resolution photographs:
· 300 High-quality and high-resolution, edited and captioned pictures of:
  • Oxfam/CED project activities.
  • Pictures of 10 selected beneficiaries in specified locations.
  • Pictures of the landscape, infrastructure and surroundings.
· Detailed report on photography and film locations, with names and contacts of interviewees.
· Professional photographer and videographer with experience working in South Central Somalia.
· Relevant experience in video production/editing ideally developing human interest stories for video.
· Excellent interviewing skills.
· Willing to travel to potentially insecure environments and the ability to negotiate with different communities.
· Ability to work in multicultural environment.
· Somali language skills.

Interested candidates for this role are required to submit an application that includes:
· CV and two references.
· Samples of recent work: Online portfolios and links to work are preferred.
· Technical proposal on how you intend to carry out the assignment – a timetable that shows the number of days needed and activities and cost per day
Applications should be submitted by 15th July,2015 selection committee will review all applications and contact the successful candidate.

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