European College of Hospitality and Construction is seeking a senior international fundraiser consultant who has the following qualifications and experiences: Education: Bachelor degree in Accounting and Finance (minimum). Expierence: Working with UN, NGO's or any other international donor. Someone who can prepare concept notes, business proposals, feasibility studies including budgetary projections. Someone who has connections and contacts with potential donors and partners. Who can assist the college for fundraising from the Danish Embassy, Swedish Embassy, Dutch Embassy, UNDP and other government and international organizations.
If you have all the above qualifications, connections, experience and willing to work in Somaliland please contact us and send your resume to European College of Hospitality and Construction Hargeisa, Somaliland. Email: or , Tel +2522518718 or Mobile +252633429410. You can also contact the President directly through his skype as jibrilahmed1. The salary, allowance, accomadations are subject to negotiations.