Provision of third party monitoring service to ACTED program in El Waq and Kismayo Districts, Somalia

by Unknown  |  at  8:50:00 AM

Terms of Reference
Provision of third party monitoring service to ACTED program in El Waq and Kismayo Districts, Somalia
January 2015
ACTED is currently implementing two Safety Net Projects in Gedo and Lower Juba Regions, funded by ECHO and OFDA respectively.
Funded by ECHO, ACTED is currently carrying out a conditional and unconditional cash transfer project in El Waq and Kismayo. The project is targeting 1870 vulnerable households. The project is being implemented by local partner SADO, and the first cash transfer is due to be delivered mid-February 2015. The Cash for Work component of this project is primarily focussed on the rehabilitation of community-level WASH assets. Additionally, a contingency envelope of funding has been made available through this project, in order to strengthen community Early Warning and Disaster Preparedness actions, and provide emergency interventions in the event that a crisis hits the targeted communities.
Funded by OFDA, ACTED is currently carrying out a conditional cash transfer project also targeting communities in El Waq and Kismayo, through the Cash for Work modality. The project is targeting 2,300 vulnerable households. The project is also being implemented by local partner SADO, and the first cash transfer is due to be delivered at the end of February 2015. The Cash for Work is primarily focussed on the rehabilitation of community level livelihood assets, in order to strengthen the income-generation opportunities within the target communities. Additionally, this project includes an information management component, the implementation of which is being carried out in close collaboration with REACH.
The objective of the present third-party monitoring is to verify that ACTED cash transfer activities in El Waq and Kismayo are being implemented with quality, understood as :
  • Fair targeting meeting established criteria ;
  • Delivery of cash transfers as planned in terms of timing, conditions and amount.
  • Security conditions for beneficiaries (taxation issues in particular).
Activities and deliverables
  1. Inception report including sampling methodology and tools
  2. Survey :
o Household survey amongst a representative sample of 285 beneficiaries
o At least 15 key informants interviews among local authorities, traders, elders, as need be among the Somali diaspora in Nairobi, etc.
  1. Draft report presented to ACTED
  2. Final report
The project should start no more than 2 weeks after the signature of the contract, and shall be completed within 6 weeks, provided that ACTED provides feedback on the inception report (step 1 above) in no more than 1 week, and on the draft report (step 3 above) in no more than 1 week.
ACTED support
ACTED is committed to provide project documents, beneficiary list, all necessary staff contacts and any documents deemed necessary.
Scoring criteria
Experience of third party monitoring in South-Central Somalia
Reputation and credibility of previous clients
Presence of a field team in Gedo and Lower Juba regions and in particular in Elwaq and Kismayo
Strict confidentiality will be requested.

The closing date of this tender is fixed on 17/02/2015 at 5:00 PM local time in ACTED office at the following address :ACTED Kenya/ Somalia along Chania Road, Opposite LER Apartments | P.O. Box 21217, 00505, Nairobi or emailed to:
Bidders will fill, sign, stamp and return the Offer form, Ethical Declaration, Questionnaire, Check List and Terms of reference according to ACTED’s format below.
The offer to the call for tender will not result in the award of a contract.
The offer must be submitted to ACTED Logistics department in a sealed envelop stamped and signed by the company and indicating the tender title, date and time of submission. The envelope must bear the mention “T/27BWM/O32TPM/27BWL/X36TPM-NBO/CONSULTANCY/10-02-2015/001-not to be opened before 17/02/2015”.
Unsealed envelopes and late offers will not be considered.

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