Baseline study for the “ Resilience in the Horn” program

by Unknown  |  in MONITORING AND EVALUATION at  3:15:00 AM

The Resilience in the Horn program is a multi-country program funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs through CARE Netherlands and implemented by CARE Somalia and CARE Sudan, with a cross-country learning component managed by CARE Regional Office. In Somalia, the program has three outcomes as; Improved food security for 4,720 women and youth in 4 communities (Banadir, Nugaal, Bari and Karkaar regions) through diversified livelihoods and access to healthy nutrition; Sustainable (re) integration of 450 returnee households and 300 IDP households in 5 communities in Somalia; and improved community governance and sustainable use of water resources in 3 communities (Nugaal, Bari and Karkaar regions) in Somalia.
In September 2014, CARE Netherlands hired an international lead consultant who conducted the first phase of the study and developed M and E Plan which will guide the second phase of the study. CARE Somalia seeks to hire a national consultant to conduct the second phase of the baseline study in order to get an accurate benchmark data for the project.
  1. Overall objective:
The overall objective of the baseline study is to provide accurate baseline information as benchmarks against which progress of achievement, as well as, impact effectiveness and efficiency can be measured for the project. The baseline will be the foundation for the monitoring and evaluation of the program.
The focus of the baseline study is on two project outcomes i.e. outcome one which is on food security specifically on VSLA and apprenticeship and outcome three focusing on governance and water resources management.
  1. Specific objective of the study
The Specific objectives for the study are;
  • Determine the baseline status on outcome one and three as provided in the program’s logi frame
  • Track a selected number of beneficiaries under VSLA and apprenticeship and WASH committees in Bosaaso, Garowe and Qardho and to measure and determine progress made for the first year of implementation in those specific activities (VSLA and apprenticeship). The sample size of the beneficiary group to be tracked will be discussed with the selected consultant
  • Indicate which indicators will contribute to the cross-cutting themes mentioned in the proposal: gender, peace - building, partnership, and Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
The baseline study will be undertaken in Bosaaso, Garowe and Qardho districts of Puntland Somalia. Review of existing secondary information and reports relevant to the project will be done. This will provide an analysis and discussion of facts and data within the assignment context
Key task/activities to be undertaken
  • Conduct the assignment in two phases i.e. the first phase in February 2015 and the second phase in December 2015
  • Conduct desk reviews of secondary information and project documents including meetings with key project staff of CARE and partners
  • Use the questionnaire developed by the lead consultant and modify if necessary
  • Develop data collection methodology and with the support of CARE field staff translate study questionnaires translate into Somali
  • With support from CARE field staff, translate and test the questionnaire mainly in section: (a) Livelihood (b) Apprenticeship (c) Income generation activity (IGA) (d) VSLA (e) integration (f) consumption Coping strategy Response index.
  • Train enumerators who will pre-test the data collection tools.
  • Data processing (data entry, validation and analysis);
  • Report writing and presentation of findings and recommendations to CARE
  • Finalize the study report, including a summary report for beneficiary communities.
The study design should entail a holistic assessment, comprising both the qualitative and quantitative components designed to capture the relevant data. The consultant and his/her team are expected to use different assessment tools, comprising of primary data collection (through qualitative and quantitative household survey questionnaires) and secondary data review and literature survey.
ü Work plan and data collection methodology, including translated data collection tools for all the parameters to be measured
ü Final data collection tools incorporating feedback from CARE
ü Briefings/Debriefings: Provide regular feedback/briefs to CARE key staff. The consultant will report his/her preliminary findings to the Monitoring and Accountability Advisor (M&A) Advisor and programme coordinators
ü Draft report in English: The consultant is expected to produce a draft report not exceeding 20 pages in length (excluding annexes) identifying key findings, conclusions, recommendations and lessons learnt. The report will include:
Executive Summary (max. 2 pages)
o Introduction.
o Methodology, including sampling.
o Analysis and findings of the study.
o Conclusions, recommendations and best practices.
o Annexes
ü Relevant maps and photographs of the study areas
ü Bibliography of consulted secondary sources
ü Finalized data collection tools (in English and Somali)
ü List of key informants
ü Raw data in an agreed format
ü CARE Somalia will review the report for initial feedback.
ü Final report in English: The consultant will produce the final report after incorporating all comments and feedback provided by CARE.
The assignment will be done in 2 phases as shown in the table below. The proposed total duration of the assignment will be 28 working days after signing of contract. Days are inclusive of travelling days, fieldwork and reporting. The first survey is tentatively planned to take place from Feb 02- to 19 Feb 2015 and should be finalized by end of February 2015.
Phases Tentative Start date End date Total working days
Phase 1 Feb 15- 29 Feb 2015 14 days
Phase 2 Dec 1-17 December 13 27 days
In support to the consultant(s) to undertake the assignment, CARE Somalia will:
  • Make payment in US Dollars at an agreed rate (depending on experience).
  • Pay fixed daily rates to Enumerators (if engaged to collect data)
  • Provide all relevant/available materials pertinent to the study
  • Provide logistical support for field activities
  • Travel from and to the field
  • Accommodation for the consultant while at the filed
The consultant must possess relevant operational experience and qualifications to undertake the work, specifically the following:
  • Advanced university degree in Social Sciences, development studies, humanitarian assistance or any other related field with a minimum of 5 years of experience.
  • Good knowledge and experience in survey design, implementation of baseline studies and evaluations and statistical data analysis for development/humanitarian projects. Previous experience in market related studies will be an added advantage
  • Experience in using participatory methods in data collection and analysis.
  • Fluency (written and verbal) in English and Somali

All applications MUST be accompanied by a technical and financial proposal including a brief outline of the proposed methodology, 3 references with contacts and a tentative work plan as well the candidate’s availability. These shouldn’t exceed 10 pages. The Deadline for submission of technical and financial proposals is 10th Feb 2015.
Submit you applications to . Please indicate “APPLICATION FOR Baseline for the ”Somalia Resilience in the Horn” program” as the subject heading.

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