Technical Officer (Multi-Lateral Environmental Agreements)

by Unknown  |  at  8:39:00 AM

Position Technical Officer (Multi-Lateral Environmental Agreements)
Place of Performance Mogadishu, Somalia
Contract Duration 08 Months
Starting Date ASAP
CTG Global is a managed service company specializing in Recruitment, Management Consultancy, Human Resources support services and Monitoring & Evaluation in post disaster and post conflict countries around the world.
CTG Global provides services to humanitarian organizations, government, non-governmental organizations and corporates that enables public and private sectors to focus on their core business and the achievement of their objectives in hostile and threatening environments as we provide a safe and secure environment for them to do so and alleviate them of their risks, crisis and personnel management problems.
Somalia ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in July 2010 and is committed to meeting its obligations to the Convention.Article 12.5 of the UNFCCC requires non-Annex 1 Parties (except those least developed countries) to make their Initial National Communication (INC) “withing three years of the entry into the force of the Convention for that Party, or of the availability of financial resources. The main objective of initial communication is to enable the Country to fulfil its commitments and obligations as required by Articles 4.1 and 12.1 of the UNFCCC, especially the preparation and reporting of its initial national communications as required by Article 12.1 (a), (b), (c) of the Conventions based on the recommended guidelines and format for non-Annex I Parties. Given the weak baseline with respect to national capacities to undertake the preparation of the INC, Fedeal Government of Somalia, through the Office of the Prime Minister, our client and their partner are mobilising expertise to enable the country to meet its commitment, while bulding upon on-going and past activities. The INC will be designed in accordance with the Decision 17/CP.8 Guidelines for the preparation of national communications.
INC for Somalia will contribute to the global effort to better understand the sources and sinks of greenhouse gases, potential impacts of climate change, and provide effective measures to achive the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC, which is “to stablize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”.
In line with the INC guidelines and agreed objectives, the Federal Government of Somalia and our client require services of a Technical Officer in the Office of the Prime Minister reporting to the State Minister for Environmental Affairs. The Technical Officer will mainly be responsible to provide inputs to the INC and focus on interlinkages between the Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)
The Objective of the assignment is to effectively coordinate and implement the activities leading to final Initial National Communication (INC) for Somalia.
§ Assist in preparation of detailed work plans on the activities to be carried out under the INC within the respective areas relevant to the project.
§ Assist the Coordinator of INC in the identification of potential national consultants and institutions to participate in project implementation on an ad hoc basis.
§ Work with all relevant institutions in order to facilitate communications and exchange of information.
§ Analyse the approaches and methodologies available for implementation in the areas relevant to the Multi-Lateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs).
§ Supervise and provide methodological and conceptual guidance to the national consultants involved in the preparation of different components.
§ Identify the training needs of the nationals in accordance with the activities to be carried out under the training plan.
§ Compile and analyse all relevant information generated as part of INC, including approaches used for compiling, archiving, updating, and managing thematic assessments.
§ Prepare quarterly progress reports and present them to the Coordinator and Minister of State for Environment.
§ Ensure adequate co-ordination with relevant institutions to ensure that the project activities are distinct and fully complementary to other national initiatives.
§ Assist in compilation and final review of the INC.
Monitoring and Progress Controls
§ Activity plan, timeframe and deliverables would be agreed between the Minister of State for Environmental Affairs and the Coordinator on a monthly basis.
§ The terms of payment of services would be on a monthly basis.
§ Minister of State for Environmental Affairs will certify to our client on the release of payments along with monthly report on key activities.
Final Product/Deliverables
§ Initial National Communication (INC) for Somalia Commitment under the humanitarian Framework Convention on Climate Change.
§ An advanced degree (M.Sc. or equivalent) in Environmental Management or other relevant field.
Work Experience:
§ Interest in working in the development arena, particularly, in post-crisis situations.
§ Ability to undertake analytical work on development issues and relate to the multi-lateral environmental agreements.
§ Ability in liaising and cooperating with teams including government officials, scientific institutions, NGOs and private sector.
§ Familiar with objectives and activities developed under the UNFCCC.
§ Fluency in Somali and English are necessary.
Language requirements:
§ Strong skills in written and spoken Somali and English.
Other Information:
§ The coordinator will be required to have a personal laptop computer.
§ The coordinator should be willing to live in Mogadishu and travel to different States of Somalia. New t

Interested candidates should submit their CV along with their application letter via e-mail with reference to “BHJOB2678_951” in the subject line. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. ^

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