Communication and Advocacy Campaigns on Child Rights: LRPS-2016-9127249

by Unknown  |  at  1:04:00 AM

UNICEF is the agency of the United Nations mandated to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. Guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child UNICEF strives to establish children’s rights as international standards of behavior towards children. UNICEF’s role is to mobilize political will and material resources to help countries ensure a “first call for children". UNICEF is committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children.
UNICEF carries out its work through its headquarters in New York, 8 regional offices and 125 country offices world-wide. UNICEF also has a research Centre in Florence, a supply operation based in Copenhagen and offices in Tokyo and Brussels. UNICEF’s 37 committees raise funds and spread awareness about the organizations mission and work.
The purpose of this RFP is to invite proposals from qualified institutions with experience in child rights and communication/advocacy campaigns, and the ability to organize such campaigns in Somalia.
The schedule of the contractual process is as follows:
Closing date and time for submission of full proposal: 16/09/2016 at 10.00 a.m. Nairobi Time.
b) Award Notice: To be determined
c) Signature of contract: To be determined
All requests for formal clarification or queries on this RFP must be submitted in writing via email prior to the closing date and time on: 08/09/2016 at 4.30 p.m. Nairobi Time.** Please make sure that the e-mail mentions the RFP reference number.
Only written inquiries will be accepted. Please be informed that if the question is of common interest, answers will be shared with all potential RFP bidders.
Erasures or other corrections in the proposal must be explained and the signature of the applicant shown alongside. All changes to a proposal must be received prior to the closing time and date. It must be clearly indicated that it is a modification and supersedes the earlier proposal, or state the changes from the original proposal. Proposals may be withdrawn on written request received from bidders prior to the opening time and date. Bidders are expected to examine all instructions pertaining to the work. Failure to do so will be at bidder’s own risk and disadvantage.
Full proposals should be submitted in English and must be received not later than 16/09/2016 by 10.30 a.m. Nairobi Time.** Proposals received after the stipulated date and time will be invalidated.
The proposals should be submitted as follows:-
· Sealed Envelope 1: Technical proposal only without mention of the budget – the envelope should be clearly marked with “RFP No.; Name of Company; Technical Proposal”.
· Sealed Envelope 2: Financial Proposal - the envelope should be clearly marked with “RFP No.; Name of Company; Financial Proposal”.
· Sealed Envelope 3: Outer envelope containing the individual envelopes for Technical & Financial proposals – the envelope should be clearly marked with “RFP No.; Company Name”.
· Please remember to sign the “Request for Proposal for Services Form” on Page 3 of the RFP document and return together with the proposal.
Note: Proposals not submitted in this manner will be invalidated.
BIDS may be hand-delivered or sent by Courier to:-
P.O. Box 44145-00100
Bidders are requested to provide details (Name/ID No.) of the persons delivering a day in advance by sending an email to to facilitate clearance to enter the UN complex.
Due to the nature of this RFP, there will be no public opening of proposals and responsible officers will open technical proposals when the specified time has arrived.
1.6.1 Formal submission requirements
The formal submission requirements as outlined in this Request for Proposal must be followed, e.g. regarding form and timing of submission, marking of the envelopes, no price information in the technical proposal, etc.
1.6.2 Mandatory criteria
All mandatory (i.e. must/have to/shall/should/will) criteria mentioned throughout this Request for Proposal have to be addressed and met in your proposal.
All references to descriptive materials should be included in the appropriate response paragraph, though the material/documents themselves may be provided as annexes to the proposal/response.
It is important that you read all of the provisions of the request for proposal, to ensure that you understand UNICEF’s requirements and can submit a proposal in compliance with them. The bidder must also provide sufficient information in the proposal to address each area of the Proposal Evaluation to allow the evaluation team to make a fair assessment of the candidates and their proposal. Note that failure to provide compliant proposals may result in invalidation of your proposal.
Information, which the bidder considers proprietary, should be clearly marked "proprietary", if any, next to the relevant part of the text, and UNICEF will treat such information accordingly.
UNICEF reserves the right to accept any proposal, in whole or in part; or, to reject any or all proposals. UNICEF reserves the right to invalidate any Proposal received from a Bidder who has previously failed to perform properly or complete contracts on time, or a Proposal received from a Bidder who, in the opinion of UNICEF, is not in a position to perform the contract. UNICEF shall not be held responsible for any cost incurred by the Bidder in preparing the response to this Request for Proposal. The Bidder agrees to be bound by the decision of UNICEF as to whether her/his proposal meets the requirements stated in this Request for Proposal. Specifically, UNICEF reserves the right to:
· Contact any or all references supplied by the bidder(s);
· Request additional supporting or supplementary data (from the bidder(s));
· Arrange interviews with the bidder(s);
· Reject any or all proposals submitted;
· Accept any proposals in whole or in part;
· Negotiate with the service provider(s) who has/have attained the best rating/ranking, i.e. the one(s) providing the overall best value proposal(s);
· Contract any number of candidates as required to achieve the overall evaluation objectives.
1.8.1 Validity
Proposal must be valid for a minimum of ninety (90) days from the date of opening of this RFP and must be signed by all candidates included in the submission. For proposals from institutions, the proposal must also be signed by an authorized representative of the institution. Bidders are requested to indicate the validity period of their proposal in the Proposal Form. UNICEF may also request for an extension of the validity of the proposal.
1.8.2 Insurance Clause
The contractor will be wholly responsible for their staff and must make the necessary arrangements and payments with the relevant companies for Health Insurance and Medical Evacuation etc.
1.9.1 Evaluation of the Proposal
In making the final decision, UNICEF considers both technical and financial aspects. The Evaluation Team first reviews the technical aspect of the offer followed by the review of the financial offer of the technically compliant vendors.
Proposals will be evaluated against the following two elements:
1.9.2 Technical Proposal:
The technical proposal should address all aspects and criteria outlined in this Request for Proposal.
Scoring Criteria
The Technical Proposals will be evaluated against the following:
a) Completeness of Proposal: 10
· Clarity and responsiveness of the proposal against the requirements in the RFP: (5)
· A well written proposal showing the organization’s understanding of the key tasks and a technically sound and logical way of undertaking the tasks as well as approaches to dealing with any challenges that may arise: 5
b) Demonstrated experience with similar projects: 15
· Demonstrated ability to operate in different, accessible areas of Somalia numbers and types of projects conducted by the institution in Somalia over past 4 years, including evidence of Somali networks and contacts
c) Relevant experience of key staff assigned: 15
· Staff with practical experience in: (10)
o Project management
o Design and implementation of advocacy campaign activities including events
Experience in media campaigns
o Relevant CVs provided
· Depth of capacity available (numbers of staff/consultants): (5)
o Organogram detailing staff organizational structure.
o List of any proposed sub-contractors to be used-
d) Proposed methodology and approach 30
· Proposed methodology, target audience and proposed invitees, type of events, when and where to be carried out: (15)
· Proposed methodology for media campaign – audience, outlets, channels and partners – monitoring and evaluation: (15)
Total Technical: 70 points. Only proposals which receive a minimum of 50 points will be considered further
1.9.3 PRICE PROPOSAL (30 points)
Please list all major cost components – outputs, activities described in the Technical Proposal, and the detailed breakdown of such costs using the budget template (this will be provided to bidders when they request for the full bid document).
The total amount of points allocated for the price component is 30. The maximum number of points will be allotted to the lowest price proposal that is opened and compared among those invited firms/institutions which obtain the threshold points in the evaluation of the technical component. All other price proposals will receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest price.
Score for price proposal X = Max.score for price proposal x Price of lowest priced proposal/Price of proposal X.
In October 2015, Somalia joined the rest of the world and became the latest - 196th country - to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). By ratifying the CRC, the Somali Government has committed itself to protecting and fulfilling children's rights, and be accountable before the international community. It has committed itself to undertaking all actions and developing policies to ensure that the best interests of the child are well looked after.
The ground-breaking development offers UNICEF a great window of opportunity to advocate for children’s rights. UNICEF supports the Government in the implementation process, making sure that the principles of the CRC are well reflected in the Somali policy and law. One of the key initiatives is to help raise awareness of the CRC among stakeholders and advocate for adequate and timely actions to ensure its implementation.
UNICEF Somalia would therefore like to hire a service provider with experience in child rights and communication/advocacy campaigns, and the ability to organize such campaigns in Somalia.
Scope of work
UNICEF is looking for a service provider to design and undertake the campaigns inside Somalia. The campaign will focus on nine different themes/subjects, including a general introduction to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, education, health, nutrition, child participation, birth registration, violence and abuse, child labour, and former child soldiers. One theme will be chosen to cover every two months starting in October.
The chosen party will organize two or more events on the chosen theme within a two month timeframe in different locations across the country. These could include a launch of a relevant report or data, a forum of experts with audience, a community dialogue but should be accompanied by publicity and materials including social media to ensure wide coverage of the event. The chosen party will also ensure that during the two months, there is more general publicity through the media, social media and other fora on the chosen subject.
The chosen party will handle all aspects of the process in liaison with UNICEF Somalia, starting from strategizing to organizing events around the chosen theme and media coverage, producing campaign materials and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). Some specific tasks include, but not limited to: selecting the appropriate type of event and location, identifying and inviting guest speakers and participants; generating publicity/media coverage; producing campaign materials and providing social media. A summary and analytical report at the end of the campaigns is expected, as is an M&E plan.
If security permits, the campaigns should to be carried out in all three regions of Somalia – South Central, Puntland and Somaliland. And they must be appropriate to the Somali social, economic and cultural context.
End Product
a. Campaign plan/strategy
b. Communication/advocacy products
c. Stakeholders are engaged through proper communication tools and channels
d. Planned events successfully organized
e. Summary and analytical report following each campaign
f. M&E plan
a. The contractor shall handle all aspects of the campaigns. UNICEF will give strategic guidance, but will not be involved in the operations, including human resources, logistics and administrations of the campaigns. Cost of such should be included in the price proposal, in addition to the cost of professional services.
b. Payment is made as lump sum upon receipt of an invoice, and deliverables that meet UNICEF’s quality standards.
a. Expertise in Communication, Advocacy, and some knowledge of Human Rights, Somali and International Law
b. Experience in design and organizing campaigns, especially inside Somalia
c. Capacity to produce high quality communication/advocacy materials
d. Capacity to utilize traditional and new communication tools and channels
e. Knowledge of Somali social, economic and cultural context
f. Knowledge of child rights, the unique challenges facing Somali children, and the latest trends in development and humanitarian aid for Somalia and beyond
g. A good understanding of Somali media landscape and how people receive information
h. Ability to assimilate and communicate complex messages in an engaging manner
i. Familiarity with UNICEF’s mandate and work
j. Respect culture diversity, especially cultural norms of Somalia
Contract Duration
20 months
Terms of Payment
As per the agreed upon rate sheet, payments will be made by UNICEF upon submission of invoices, and deliverables that meet UNICEF’s quality standards.

Full proposals should be submitted in English and must be received not later than 16/09/2016 by 10.30 a.m. Nairobi Time. Proposals received after the stipulated date and time will be invalidated.
The proposals should be submitted as follows:-
· Sealed Envelope 1: Technical proposal only without mention of the budget – the envelope should be clearly marked with “RFP No.; Name of Company; Technical Proposal”.
· Sealed Envelope 2: Financial Proposal - the envelope should be clearly marked with “RFP No.; Name of Company; Financial Proposal”.
· Sealed Envelope 3: Outer envelope containing the individual envelopes for Technical & Financial proposals – the envelope should be clearly marked with “RFP No.; Company Name”.
· Please remember to sign the “Request for Proposal for Services Form” on Page 3 of the RFP document and return together with the proposal.
Note: Proposals not submitted in this manner will be invalidated.
BIDS may be hand-delivered or sent by Courier to:-
P.O. Box 44145-00100
Bidders are requested to provide details (Name/ID No.) of the persons delivering a day in advance by sending an email to to facilitate clearance to enter the UN complex.
Due to the nature of this RFP, there will be no public opening of proposals and responsible officers will open technical proposals when the specified time has arrived. u

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