The main objective of this consultancy is to provide curriculum review and design service to the MOE and to ensure that TVET programmes are competence-based, relevant and meeting the quality and level of skills required in the labor market of Puntland.
Specific objectives include;
The main objective of this consultancy is to provide curriculum review and design service to the MOE and to ensure that TVET programmes are competence-based, relevant and meeting the quality and level of skills required in the labor market of Puntland.
Specific objectives include;
- To identify areas where a review of the curriculum is necessary and where the curriculum does not align with current labor trends and market skills demand.
- To review the current VQF TVET curriculum as agreed by MOE, SCI and stakeholders.
- To ensure that the TVET curriculum is responding to the market-needs that can produce highly competent TVET graduates for now and the coming years.
- Develop a number of new higher level skill sets for piloting in Public TVET Centers. SCOPE OF WORK
- Conduct extensive literature review and study existing documents related to TVET.
- Study TVET curriculum used by neighboring countries like Kenya and Ethiopia to ensure that the curriculum meets both national and regional standards.
- Review of the existing VQF curriculum and develop new skills sets on planned new subject areas.
- Work closely with the Technical Vocational Qualification Authority (TVQA) and the curriculum department of the MOE.
- Lead and guide the curriculum revision task force selected that includes MOE, Save the Children, TVET centers and private sector.
- Agree revision areas of the curriculum with the task force and assign roles and responsibilities to panel members.
- Provide formats and structure for curriculum revision to the task force and lead writing of the revised curriculum.
- Ensure that emphasis is placed on the holistic development of the learner’s competency and relevancy to the market needs.
- Ensure that entrepreneurship and life skills job readiness skills are included in the curriculum as cross cutting topics.
- Conduct curriculum validation workshops and incorporate all the inputs and comments from the task force.
- Develop a comprehensive narrative report on the curriculum review with concrete suggestions on implementation of the revised curriculum. Incorporate comments from the task force and revert timely.EXPECTED OUTCOME
The developed curriculum is expected to ensure improved quality of TVET trainings that produce highly competent graduates that can cover the current skills gap in the labor market.
The deliverables / outputs of this assignment are:
The deliverables / outputs of this assignment are:
- An inception report.
- A complete revised TVET curriculum for identified subjects and levels and approved by MOE.
- Proposed subject areas for further curriculum development.
- A narrative report detailing the experiences and challenges encountered in the process of carrying out the assignment and way forward.
- QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE OF THE CONSULTANTTo qualify for this assignment, the consultant must have the following mandatory professional experience and knowledge:i. University degree in the area of Education, Curriculum Development, Literacy or related fieldii. At least seven (7) years of experience in TVET development, assessment and evaluation of curriculum, teaching and learning resources.iii. Extensive experience in the use of labour market information in developing Vocational education policies strategies and programs.iv. Understanding of the key issues involved in vocational education and training in the region, or specifically in Somaliland.v. Strong professional background in TVET.vi. Show evidence of having successfully completed at least three similar assignments.vii. Outstanding communication and analytical skills, with excellent command of spoken and written Englishviii. Computer literate.Key Requirement:The Consultant must have done a similar assignment(s). Proof of the previous work done on the same should be provided.2. EXPRESSION OF INTERESTInterested consultants who meet the consultancy requirements should submit the following;a) A detailed technical proposal that comprises methodology, work plan, experience of previously conducted similar assignments, capacity to undertake the assignment & budget for the consultancy period.b) A detailed work plan that clearly shows number of days and deadlines for each task-including anticipated time for sharing draft to SCI, commenting, accommodating comments and finalizing the draft.c) A one-page concept on how to Review and develop TVET Curriculum.d) Curriculum Vitae of the consulting person(s) who is undertaking the assignment including three professional references.e) Detailed budget breakdown based on expected daily rates.
To submit applications for this consultancy, please send the documentation to:
Applications close on 11th September 2016.