B. Objectives of the technical assessments
The main objective of this consultancy is to carry out detailed surveys jointly with the stakeholders to assess the technical feasibility of:
- Construction of water supply infrastructure in two target communities;
- Construction of additional infrastructure for the 2 communities where two shallow wells have already been identified.
From the findings of these assessments the Consultant should be in a position to design improved multi use water supply distribution system, and identify where new elevated storage tanks, reticulation piping from the mains supply to the storage tanks, collect relevant monitoring baseline data that shall be used for monitoring and evaluation during and after project implementation.
C. Expected results
Using participatory approaches, the technical assessment will deliver a report covering but not limited to the following for each of the sites:
- Technical Assessments for the four (4No.) proposed water sources targeted for construction of the basic water supply infrastructure preparation of designs and cost estimates. The Consultant shall focus on:
· An assessment of identified shallow wells- requisite technical details - location, year excavated, depth, construction details, initial and current yields, water quality, static water level, pumping water level, shallow well protection, general shallow well condition etc;
· An assessment of the proposed pumping equipment (pump, power supply source, control panels etc) – type / model, year installed, rated capacities, current condition etc;
· An assessment of the water distribution system (storage tanks / reservoirs, piping system, public kiosks, livestock troughs) – description of characteristics as relevant - type, volume / capacity, materials, numbers (how many), length, size, year installed, condition etc as appropriate;
· An assessment of water supply, usage and demand, including seasonal fluctuations – estimated demand (both human and livestock), current supply, main water uses, possibility to improve water availability and access for both livestock and human use;
· An assessment of current capacities in administration, operation and maintenance of the mini water supply system by the beneficiaries – including financial management, cost recovery or water tariff structures, access to necessary spares and technical support, availability of tools and equipments for maintenance (spanners, die stocks etc), governance structures and their effectiveness, existence of rules / by-laws, competence of the water committees, capacity building needs etc;
· An assessment of access to the supply by vulnerable groups – factors constraining access to water supply by vulnerable groups, how these factors are being mitigated and how this can be improved further.
· Analysis of sustainability of the multi-use water supply system – analysis of factors that can influence sustainability – environmental impacts and mitigation measures, technological options, economic viability of operating the system (including water affordability), social cultural considerations, and management capacities;
· Preparation of the project layout designs – site plan, flow diagrams (line plan and section of the entire scheme showing sequence of operations;
· Preparation of the preliminary project cost estimates aggregating project and the community contributions.
The consultant will analyse the water resource potential, current utilisation of water and scope for further development. The rehabilitation / construction needs of the water supply infrastructure, and the OM capacity building needs for each of the water supply systems at the target camps.
D. Key Issues to be considered in undertaking the assignment
¨ To improve effectiveness and efficiency of the water supplies, the project is keen on assisting the target communities to repair/replace the defective pumping and power equipment. Use of renewable energy sources that are cheaper to operate and friendly to the environment such as solar shall be given preference;
¨ Test pumping groundwater facilities shall be very critical to determine sustainable yields and appropriate pumping equipment. The project prefers use of standard equipment whose spares parts and capacity to repair are locally available;
¨ During the feasibility assessment it shall be very critical to consider rehabilitation/construction of water systems with adequate yields, good quality and as well as the sustainability of the management systems;
¨ Where possible, rehabilitation / construction of storage tanks will enhance water security by providing storage. This is particularly important in remote locations where breakdown of pumping equipment can take several days to repair. The tanks should be covered to avoid contamination and the design should include a manhole and ladder to ease access during cleaning and maintenance. Elevated tank shall be preferred or construction of a ground-tank at a point of high elevation such that it allows establishment of gravity water supply system;
¨ It will be crucial to put into consideration use of heavy duty uPVC / PE pipes buried 0.5m below ground level for the distribution system while designing for repair and expansion of water supply reticulation network. Note that the GI pipes are prone to corrosion;
¨ Water kiosks will be rehabilitated / constructed to improve water access. To reduce chances of vandalism, water kiosks with taps operated from inside a lockable room will be constructed for the larger settlements. The design of the water kiosks should ensure taps are accessible to all users (including children), and each kiosk has a good drainage system. As per the SPHERE standards, each tap should serve not more than 250 persons, and the households at the settlement should have access to a kiosk within 500m.
¨ Livestock trough design should include an apron with a slope away from the trough. Troughs will be provided with outlet for cleaning purposes and good drainage. Trough height will depend on intended usage – 0.75 for camels, 0.5 for livestock and 0.25m for shoats.
E. Work plan
On the basis of the proposed time schedule outlined in the Terms of Reference, the Consultant will prepare work plan for the technical assessment study and include this in their offer, and report on the approach taken in the study report. The work plan should set out Consultants’ approach to the following activities;
· Fact finding / data collection /surveys required to achieve the study objectives and results;
· Identification and analysis of various technical options to achieve the study objective and results;
· Planned consultation meetings with decision makers / stakeholders to assess the situation and identify the preferred technical solutions;
· Preparation of designs and cost estimates for the proposed solutions;
· Preparation of draft and final study report.
It is anticipated that the consultant will carry out an office review of existing data and participate in the field work. Additional data will be collected in the field through interview / discussions with the various stakeholders, observations and measurements using various instruments (levelling, GPS e.t.c). The consultant should respond to this ToR giving his / her understanding of the assignment and proposing approach / methodology to be followed in undertaking the task.
F. Qualifications of the Consultants
The consultant should have at least 5 years experience in water / rural development or related discipline, and a basic degree in civil / water engineering or related fields. He should be registered or have certification of relevant professional bodies. The Consultant should have a solid experience in both the humanitarian field and of the emergency relief context and the geographical area of the operation as well as demonstrated ability to manage the available time and resources and to work to tight deadlines. He/she should be independent from the parties involved in the technical assessment studies.
The Consultant should have experience in participatory water needs assessment, feasibility studies and preparation of designs for Water Supply Systems. Beside, he/she should have experience in designing pipeline reticulation network, water kiosks, watering in the target geographical area. He should have skills and experience in social-economic analysis of water-for human and livestock interventions in an emergency context.
The Consultant should have demonstrated experience in undertaking similar assignments in designing pumping and gravity water supply systems. The Consultant should be able to communicate clearly and concisely in English (spoken and written);
For each consultant / expert proposed for the assignment, curriculum vitae, of no more than four pages should be submitted while responding to this ToR.
G. Reporting
The study will result in the drawing up of a final report written in a straightforward manner. The report should be written in English and the draft submitted within 1 week of coming back from the field in Somalia. The final report incorporating comments / feedback from the Contracting Authority should be submitted within five days of getting feedback from Contracting Authority. The report must be drawn up in 2 copies and submitted also in soft copy (in MS WORD or PDF Formats) to the Contracting Authority. Final payment to the Consultant shall be made upon approval of the final report by the Contracting Authority.
The following report format will be adhered to but the Consultant has discretion to add more sub topics relevant to this study:
(i) Cover page:
1) Title of the study with the name of the operation and logos of DFAT and COOPI
2) Consultant’s details: name and contact
3) Date of the study
(ii) Table of contents
(iii) Executive summary, max 3 pages
1) Brief description of the Action
2) Objectives of the consultancy, methodology and duration of the study
3) Main results, findings and recommendations
(iv) Main body of the report, max 30 pages
It will provide the background to the points listed in the Executive Summary. It will contain a description of the findings and an analysis or interpretation of the operation in terms of the main assignment criteria. It will include a methodological review of the entire exercise. Conclusions and recommendations should be the subject of separate chapters.
(v) Annexes
1) Terms of Reference;
2) List of literature and documents consulted;
3) List of persons / organizations consulted;
4) List of places / sites visited;
5) Tools / materials used in the assignment;
6) Designs and Drawings for Water Supply System in the target camps. (NB: All drawings & Designs unless otherwise advised by the Contracting Authority shall be prepared in Auto CAD Version).
7) BOQs and cost estimates for each Water Supply Systems which must be quoted in USD
8) Curricula Vitae of the Consultants (Max 4 page per person).
Time Schedule
- Briefing and desk appraisal: Briefing at the COOPI Regional Office in Nairobi (including relevant meetings & collection relevant project documents and reports); review of secondary data and; approval of assessment tools in Nairobi 1 day
2.Travel to the project locations in Dolow (to and fro) 2 days
- Field Work (meetings with stakeholders and carrying out survey activities) in Sadumay, Dayax, Beeitir, Oda 3 days
- Debriefing and Report writing in Nairobi 3 days
I. Assistance to the Consultant by the Contracting Authority
The Contracting Authority will make available the following information and facilities to the Consultant:
· Share any relevant reports, documents, maps, existing designs data at contracting authorities disposal;
· Office space, furniture, access to printers and communication facilities in the field;
· Transport during field work;
· Arranging for various meetings in the field (Consultant to make advance request);
· Counterpart staff to be used for tasks such as translation in the field;
· Provide return transport by flight from Nairobi to Dolow.
COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale invites qualified and registered Consultants and to provide quotation for provision of consultancy services as per the attached Terms of Reference (ToR).
Kindly send us your technical and financial offers via email by 15th September 2016. Submitted bids should indicate the price per unit and should be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of the bid.
The bids should be delivered electronically to the following address:
COOPI Nairobi Regional Office
Email: coord.nairobi@coopi.org
by 15th September 2016 14:00 (EAT) in Nairobi Offices