Hydrogeological Survey for Identification of 3NO. Dry Season Grazing Water Sources (Boreholes)

by Unknown  |  at  1:00:00 AM

Objectives of the Hydrogeological Survey & Technical Assessments

The objectives of this Consultancy is to :
i. Undertake hydrogeological survey to identify three sites for drilling new boreholes in Dolow and Belethawa districts. The study should clearly recommend anticipated maximum depth of drilling, water strike levels and description of aquifer types.

C. Expected results

a) Hydrogeological Survey
The expected output of this study shall be a Hydrogeological Investigations report detailing the following:
  1. Description of the Geology and hydrogeology (incl. Inventory of boreholes and other water points)of the area of investigation;
  2. Methods of investigations employed, including Geophysical Techniques
  3. Detailed resistivity/IP survey (Wenner & VES) to delineate the productive aquifer- Consultant to carry out minimum of 500m Werner profiles and 4 VES sounding at each site.
  4. Information on the aquifer potential; sustainable yield & Water quality;
  5. Proposed drilling sites for the two target villages, recommended maximum drilling depths, water strikes levels and aquifer types.
  6. Proposed drilling method, and its applicability in the project area.
  7. Environmental impact and protection measures to be undertaken during implementation.
D. Methodology / Approach for Hydrogeological Survey
The Consultant is to carry out geophysical measurements within the study area using the ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000, which distinguishes between clays and fresh water by use of Induced Polarization (IP) measurements. Furthermore, Werner traverses may be carried out, at different spacings to map out possible buried faults.
The hydrogeological/geophysical investigations will be carried out according to a multi-step approach:
a) A desk study and data-acquisition: Review of existing data, topographical maps, satellite images(Landsat TM with 30 m resolution), existing studies and borehole site investigations in the area, geological reports and maps (if available), borehole and surface water records, etc.
b) Hydrogeological fieldwork: Detailed reconnaissance survey of project area. (GPS co-ordinates, water level measurements, TDS and EC, condition, usage and performance where applicable) inspection of geological, geomorphological and structural characteristics of the investigated area; verification of existing data and findings.
c) Geophysical measurements: resistivity/IP profiling and vertical electrical/IP soundings.
d) Analysis of hydrogeological/geophysical data.
e) Compilation, analysis, and evaluation of the gathered data and information.
f) Site selection and reporting.
F. Qualifications of the Consultants
The consultant(s) should have a degree in Hydrogeology or Geophysics. The consultant should have a demonstrated post-qualification experience in similar assignments of at least 5 years, and should be registered or have certification of relevant professional bodies. Previous experience and knowledge of the geographical area is an advantage. The Consultant should be able to communicate clearly and concisely in English (spoken and written);
For each consultant / expert proposed for the assignment, curriculum vitae, of no more than four pages should be submitted while responding to this ToR.
G. Reporting
The final report will be a comprehensive account of the whole Consultancy, to professional standard. It will review the existing literature and other relevant information, such as drilling logs, satellite images, etc. The report shall include all field data, interpretations and justifications, hydrogeological evaluations, conclusions and recommendations relating to the investigated area. In addition, appropriate maps, diagrams and data plots shall be presented.
The reports must be prepared in simple and clear English. The draft reports should be submitted within 5 days from return from the field. The final reports must be submitted within 3 days of getting feedback from the Contracting Authority. The final reports will be drawn up in 3 copies each and submitted also in soft copy (in MS WORD or PDF Formats) to the Contracting Authority for approval. Final payment to the Consultant shall be made upon approval of the final report by the Contracting Authority.
The following report format will be adhered to for the Hydrogeological survey reports:
(i) Cover page:
1) Title of the study with the name of the operation and logos of DFAT and COOPI
2) Consultant’s details: name and contact
3) Date of the study
(ii) Table of contents
(iii) Executive summary, max 2 pages
1) Brief description of the assignment
2) Objectives of the consultancy, methodology and duration of the study
3) Main findings, conclusions and recommendations
(iv) Main body of the report, max 30 pages
It will provide comprehensive details of the points listed in the Executive Summary. It will contain a description of the findings and an analysis or interpretation of the data collected. . It will include a detailed description of the approach and methodology of the survey/assessment. Conclusions and recommendations should be clear and practical based on the local context.
(v) Annexes
1) Terms of Reference;
2) Werner profiles and VES Data used.
3) List of literature and documents consulted;
4) List of persons / organizations consulted;
5) List of places / sites visited;
6) Tools / materials used in the assignment;
7) Sketch Maps for all the sites investigated and clear indication of the recommended and alternative sites.
8) BOQs and cost estimates for each borehole and for the technical assessments which must be quoted in USD.
9) Curricula Vitae of the Consultants (1 page per person).
10) Photos taken during the survey/assessment with one showing the exact points selected for drilling of the two boreholes
H. Time Schedule
On the basis of the proposed time schedule outlined in the terms of reference, the consultant will prepare a work plan for the study and include this in their offer, and report on the approach taken in the study report. The work plan should set out the consultants approach to the following activities;
· Acquisition and review of secondary data in the office;
· Assessments / surveys and meetings with relevant stakeholders in the field in Dolow and Belethawa;
· Data analysis;
Preparation of the draft and final reports
Below is the proposed time schedule. The consultant should however confirm or propose modifications accordingly in their response to this ToR.
· Briefing, acquisition and review of secondary data in the office in Dolow – (0.5day);
· Field investigations in Dolow and Belethawa including travel days – 6days
· Data analysis– 0.5 days;
· Preparation of the draft and final reports – 5 days
I. Assistance to the Consultant by the Contracting Authority
The Contracting Authority will make available the following information and facilities to the Consultant:
· Share any relevant reports, documents, maps, existing designs data at contracting authorities disposal;
· Allow use of office space in the field as necessary;
· Arranging for various meetings in the field (Consultant to make advance request);
· Provide staff to show the consultant the pre-selected sites and assist in community liaison and translation tasks;
· Facilitate the consultant’s travel from base to the field and back after the end of the contract (including airport tax), food and accommodation
· Facilitate transport and security escort to and fro the villages where field visit will be done.
The consultant will provide own staff to assist in the works including hiring of casuals or any other personnel needed for successful completion of the assignment. The Consultant will provide own accommodation and meals Belethawa while COOPI will provide accommodation in Dolow. The Consultant would also be expected to strictly adhere to regulations within the UN/NGO compound at COOPI guest house if accommodated there.

COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale invites qualified and registered Consultants and to provide quotation for provision of consultancy services as per the attached Terms of Reference (ToR).
Kindly send us your technical and financial offers via email by 15th September 2016. Submitted bids should indicate the price per unit and should be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of the bid.
The bids should be delivered electronically to the following address:
COOPI Nairobi Regional Office
by 15th September 2016 14:00 (EAT) in Nairobi Offices

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