Terms of Reference: Hydrogeological Survey

by Unknown  |  at  8:24:00 AM

World Vision has been implementing a DFATD funded project in Odweyne, Somaliland. The goal of the project is “Increased the resilience of chronically vulnerable pastoral, agro-pastoral and peri urban communities in Odweyne district”.
The project has been building community resilience through improving the adoptive, absorptive, and transformative capacities of the community to shocks and stresses. Other activities are in NRM.
Specifically World Vision has supported the construction of 2 earth dams to capture storm water and these are connected to a solar water pumping system to allow access to water by pastoralists and agro pastoralists for small scale irrigation. The construction of water facilities improved the water supply to Odwyene communities thereby improving the resilience of the communities.
Rationale of the Study
To provide an assessment in the event that there may be significant challenges in the conceptual designs, land requirements, detailed designs, and the construction stages of the development of the Storm water harvesting structures in order to assess; the suitability, reliability, applicability and sustainability of these water harvesting systems.
A report that would help in the re design of the systems to ensure the communities get the best out of the system. The same report would be used as reference to guide land use planning, around the water harvesting structure and systems and any mitigation measures
Extent of the study
· A Geotechnical Study to analyses soil composition to determine its structural stability and its ability to accommodate water and related developments by conducting a sub-surface investigation.
· hydrogeological review as to determine feasibility for infiltration of groundwater
· information on permeability of the soils to determine the feasibility of infiltration is generally required for Site Plan Control applications
· Hydrogeological Review Identification of subsurface conditions including: 1. Soil, groundwater and geotechnical parameters.
· Factors of safety, feasibility and risk assessment 4. Mitigation measures and monitoring programs where necessary
Survey/study report with clear recommendations for improving on the water harvesting structures.
A professional Geotechnical Engineer/Consultant, or Hydrogeologist with more than 5 years’ experience.
Application process
Please include the following in your application
  • Recently Updated CV;
  • A 2-3 page covering letter indicating proposed methodology for the exercise and an elaboration of relevant experience
  • Indicate your experience in the same survey before
  • Details of two references
  • Financial Quotation

Submit applications to the following address; somo_supplychain@wvi.org not later than 30th Aug 2016

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