Final Evaluation of Lifesaving and Livelihood Restoration Project (LLRP) in south central Somalia

by Unknown  |  at  3:29:00 AM

Terms of Reference
Final Evaluation of Lifesaving and Livelihood Restoration Project (LLRP) in south central Somalia
A. Background information and project summary
Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse (VSF Suisse) is a charitable organisation focusing on preventing and alleviating suffering, disease and hunger, supporting socioeconomic development and assisting people whose livelihood mainly depends on livestock and agriculture with the aim of improving food sovereignty, nutrition security and resilience, working with disadvantaged communities to increase their standard of living, improve food security and livelihood sustainability through improved animal health and production.
LLRP focuses on support to vulnerable livestock keeping communities who include pastorlaists, agro-pastoralists and IDPs in Bulahawa, Garbaharey, Elwak and Luuq Districts of South Central Somalia.
The programme has two objectives.
· To alleviate suffering and facilitate recovery of the population in distress from the effect of the recent drought. The objective is achieved by implementing activities in the Livestock, Veterinary Medicines and Vaccines and the Irrigation sub-sectors.
· To build community assets and reduce the vulnerability of Gedo community to droughts. The objective is achieved through rehabilitation of water supply infrastructure, mainly desilting and pans and dams.
The objectives have the following results:
· Support is provided to agro-pastoralist communities to produce and conserve fodder
· Emergency veterinary assistance is provided to pastoralist/agro-pastoralist communities
· Training is provided to 60 Community-based Animal Health Workers to offer emergency animal health services
· Agro-pastoralist communities are supported to rehabilitate existing irrigation canals
· Pastoralist communities are supported to rehabilitate existing water pans and dams
VSF Suisse is seeking to engage reputable organization or individual expert (s) to carry out an evaluation of the programme. The evaluation will assess in a participatory manner the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and reliability of the emergency action in addressing the needs of the targeted beneficiaries and in close collaboration with local authorities, communities and livestock health and production actors.
B. Objectives of the final evaluation
The evaluation needs to clearly address if goals and results were achieved and who benefited and to what extent. Specifically the evaluation will establish the impact of the Programme in reference to the following:
  1. Evaluation of the Strategy and the Methodology used
  2. Determination of the relevance of the intervention in terms of timing , targeting and design
  3. Determination of the cost benefit the emergency interventions
  4. Documentation of the efficiency of the intervention based on the results achieved with available resources
  5. Identification of indicators of success, including communities’ views on the benefits and impact of the interventions
  6. Describe the effectiveness of the emergency interventions.
  7. Document successes, challenges and lessons learnt and provide recommendation for future interventions.
C. Results of evaluation
A detailed report indicating clearly the main impacts, lessons learnt, project successes and key recommendations
D. Methodology of data Collection
The following methods of data collection may be used in combination to collect all the required information.
  1. Desk review of VSF Suisse project reports, relevant reports on LLRP project activities
  2. Focus group discussion with stakeholders, pastoralists and key actors in the region/districts
  3. Key informant interviews with relevant experts in emergency interventions and heads of departments from the collaborating actors
  4. Use of participatory skills and approaches and field data collection with pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in target areas.
E. Proposed duration of the Evaluation
Proposed activity
Literature review in Nairobi
Focus Group discussions and key informant interviews
Compiling Evaluation report
F. Location
The evaluation will take place in the project areas in Somalia.
· The consultant (s) should provide a detailed work plan and budget for the assignment
· The evaluation is expected to be completed in September 2016 over a period of 16 days. .
· The itinerary will be finalised by VSF Suisse in consultation with the selected consultant.
G. Deliverables
The consultant (s) will be expected to submit a hard copy and soft copy of a detailed plan within two (2) days of signing the consultancy contract.
A detailed final report will be presented to the VSF Suisse Country Director and the Program Manager detailing the findings of the consultancy and recommendations for future similar interventions in South Central Somalia. The entire report will be presented in English and will remain the property of VSF Suisse A hard copy and a soft copy (CD/DVD) must be submitted.
A draft report will be expected three (3) days after the end of the field mission and the final report is expected 2 days after VSF Suisse’s comments.
The contents of the report shall be as follows:
· Executive summary
· Background.
· Description of the objectives of the mission and execution methodology.
· Findings
· Problems encountered
· Recommendations
· Annexes covering Terms of Reference, abbreviations, field locations visited references, graphs, tables, etc.
H. Responsibilities
The VSF Suisse Director and the VSF Suisse LLRP Project Manager will ensure overall coordination of the consultancy.
I. Qualifications of the Consultant
The consultant(s) are expected to have the following qualifications:
· Livestock expert with at least seven years experience in livestock development.
· Experience in carrying out similar consultancies and a proven track record of excellent results delivery.
· Excellent report writing skills.
· Working experience in Somalia is desirable.
J. Contact information
Interested expert(s) and organizations (s) should prepare and submit to VSF Suisse a technical and financial proposal for the assignment by 20th August 2016 through the above email address. The proposal should indicate qualifications and experience with a detailed execution plan and budget. The proposals, consultant’s CV and letter of motivation as well as three (3) referees should also be included. u

Interested expert(s) and organizations (s) should prepare and submit to VSF Suisse a technical and financial proposal for the assignment by 20th August 2016 through the above email address. The proposal should indicate qualifications and experience with a detailed execution plan and budget. The proposals, consultant’s CV and letter of motivation as well as three (3) referees should also be included.

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