by Unknown  |  at  5:15:00 AM

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Somalia is an International Non-Governmental Organization registered in Kenya and operating in Somalia. ADRA is seeking services of experienced consultant to carry out Mid-term project evaluation.
Specific tasks:
i. Performance evaluation
The consultant will review all the project information and documents and assess the project progress against project goal, purpose and outputs; Assess the methodology used in implementation of the project; the implementation process and identify gaps, constraints and opportunities for maximizing benefits to the beneficiaries.
ii. Efficiency
Assess project performance with respect to efficiency (input delivery, cost control and activity management) and effectiveness (delivery of outputs and progress towards achieving the purpose). Comparison will be made against what was planned as per the log frame and work plans. In addition, the extent to which the project is/remains consistent with, and supportive of, the policy and programme framework within which the project is placed will be assessed.
iii. Relevance
To evaluate the relevance of the project and the management capacity as regards promoting alternative energy options, the installation of alternative energy options, and the capacity of local institutions to design, install, manage and promote alternative energy options.
iv. Impact evaluation
The consultant will assess the direct and indirect impact of projects on (a) target beneficiaries- (b) collaborating organisations, (c) the impacts of the project activities on the country energy policy environment, (d) dissemination and awareness of alternative energy technologies, (e) and assess the impacts on cross-cutting issues (Gender, governance, human rights etc).
v. Sustainability
The consultant will evaluate the extent to which the main actors possess the capacity to retain the results and advantages of the project at the end of the action. He/she will identify the main factors for project success and the conditions required to lead to this success. In addition, the evaluator should seek to answer the following questions:
a.) How sustainable are the interventions? The consultant will assess the financial, economic, environmental and social sustainability, taking into account cross-cutting issues such as gender equity, environmental impact and good governance.
b.) What roles do the stakeholders and partner organisations have in achieving sustainability? (e.g. the artisans, entrepreneurs, manufacturers, suppliers of stoves and other energy systems, training organisations and relevant ministries).
c.) What kind of future work/activities is essential for sustainability of impacts? What lessons can be learnt from the project? For example (a) are there lessons to be learnt on project /approach to project implementation that can be shared with the wider audience?, (b) technology dissemination, (c) Role of energy in the post conflict reconstruction, (d) Energy policy environment, (e) Project design and management, (f) procurement projects, etc.
d.) What are the opportunities for scale up?
In order to undertake the above, the project expects to recruit a consultant to undertake all of the outlined tasks for the market study off grid energy products. The Consultant must:
  1. Possess an advanced University Degree or equivalent in the fields of development economy, social sciences, Business Administration/Management, Economics, Commerce, Marketing, Statistics, or any other related field.
  2. Have exposure and experience in a combination of the areas of business development, market surveys, SME development marketing, energy project planning and modelling, entrepreneurship etc. Possible areas of expertise may also include market study studies, business advisory services, capacity building, and social entrepreneurship.
  3. Experience in working in countries in Post Conflict Transitions/Reconstruction will be an added advantage.
  4. At least 5 years experiences in project evaluation.
  5. Both quantitative and qualitative data analysis skills
  6. Must have excellent report writing skills.

Interested persons’ should submit their applications and detailed CVs to hr@adrasom.org by 20th February 2017. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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