by Unknown  |  at  3:41:00 AM

Place of Performance Mogadishu with regular travel to Nairobi
Contract Duration 3 months (possible extension)
Starting Date ASAP
CTG Global is a managed service company specializing in Recruitment, Management Consultancy, Human Resources support services and Monitoring & Evaluation in post disaster and post conflict countries around the world.
CTG Global provides services to humanitarian organizations, government, non-governmental organizations and corporates that enables public and private sectors to focus on their core business and the achievement of their objectives in hostile and threatening environments as we provide a safe and secure environment for them to do so and alleviate them of their risks, crisis and personnel management problems.
The FGC was established in early 2014 by mutual agreement between the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), donors and international financial institutions (IFIs) to provide a forum for dialogue on strategic financial governance issues. By its composition, the FGC is a hybrid Somali-international body that has played a mixture of advisory, monitoring and catalytic roles. Through its international representatives, the FGC has provided the Federal Government access to independent technical advice on issues related to concessions and strategic procurement contracts, and asset recovery. The FGC has also provided a forum for monitoring and reporting on progress in these areas as well as banking and other aspects of public financial management. It has played a catalytic role in building a joint FGS-donor work program on use of country systems.
The FGC has held five meetings since its inception, with the first on April 23rd 2015 and the last in January 2015. An independent and external review in October 2014 made a number of recommendations for improved functioning of the FGC, leading to a redrafting of the FGC’s terms of reference.
The Secretariat plays a critical role in supporting the functioning of the Financial Governance Committee and advancing its work program between FGC meetings. The Secretariat provides support in the areas of i) technical and policy support, i) monitoring and reporting, iii) FGC operations, iv) information-sharing and communication, and v) identification and support for short-term technical assistance. More specifically, the Secretariat is expected to carry out the following duties and tasks:
1. Support the FGC to advance its agenda and facilitate implementation of work program activities and agreed actions
a. Maintain an up-to-date understanding on financial governance issues in Somalia through engagement and dialogue with Somali government and non-government actors as well as non-Somali actors, and through study of relevant data and reports;
b. Facilitate the implementation of work program activities and agreed actions by providing technical and policy advice, liaising with key government and international counterparts, drafting relevant documents and engaging FGC members, as required;
c. Provide background information and/or technical/policy notes to FGC members on selected financial governance issues and suggest agenda items to FGC members for discussion;
d. Identify and engage relevant financial governance stakeholders (e.g. subject matter experts, FGS budget units, regional representatives, civil society representatives) to advise the FGC on specific issues.
2. Support the FGC to monitor and report on progress in financial governance and implementation of agreed recommendations and actions
a. Engage with those responsible for implementation at a technical level, and gather and review relevant documents to establish the status of implementation;
b. Support the FGC to monitor international support to financial governance institutions, identify priority capacity building and TA needs and communicate them to the FGC, government and donors.
c. Keep track of progress in the implementation of work plan activities and agreed actions and FGC recommendations and liaise with the IFIs to support monitoring of overall FGC progress;
d. Prepare regular progress reports/updates, including progress against FGC agenda items and against FGC actions (every 2-3 months)
e. Provide support to the conduct of half-yearly FGC reviews by providing substantive support, supporting logistical arrangements, briefings and sharing of information
3. Organise regular FGC meetings, Financial Governance Forum meetings and meetings with high-level advisors and other financial governance stakeholders
a. Support the substantive and logistical organization of regular FGC meetings and Financial Governance Fora, including through the preparation of agendas and background documents, and drafting of summary records of discussion;
b. Support the organization of regular briefings to the FGC Council of Ministers and/or relevant sub-committees, and briefings to Somali accountability institutions
c. Support the organization of regular briefings to international partners, including updates at the Somali Development and Reconstruction Facility (SDRF) Steering Committee;
d. Facilitate participation of high-level policy advisors and relevant non-members in FGC meetings, as relevant.
4. Support communication, information-sharing and dissemination of FGC reports to financial governance stakeholders
a. Facilitate communication and regular information sharing between FGC members and between the FGC and other key financial governance stakeholders, including the FGS, the donor community and civil society;
b. Establish and regularly update a website to disseminate FGC reports and relevant information on financial governance in Somalia;
c. Manage dissemination of information relating to FGC advice, oversight and activities through the media (including social media and traditional outlets).
d. Support public dialogue on financial governance
5. Support the FGC to define and manage critical TA needs and facilitate input by high-level policy advisors
a. Support the FGC to identify and define critical TA support in support of its work programme, including through preparation of Terms of Reference;
b. Support identification of a roster of high-level policy advisors that could provide support to selected FGC agenda items and liaise with these advisors;
c. Support missions by high-level policy advisors, and prepare relevant schedule and documentation in advance of missions;
d. Liaise closely with IFIs/donors who are providing technical assistance to the FGC to support procurement and management of relevant technical assistance and high-level policy advisor;
The FGC Secretariat is expected to deliver the following outputs on a regular basis:
· FGC Agendas, background documents and summary records;
· Contributions to topic-specific progress reports drafted by FGC Members;
· FGC progress reports/updates;
· Regularly updated Work Plan Tracking Tool;
· FGC website, press releases, etc.
The FGC Secretariat works under the overall guidance of the FGC members. At the same time, the Secretariat functions as an independent body: Secretariat staff will represent their own professional judgment in carrying out the roles and responsibilities laid out in these TOR. The Secretariat will liaise and work in close cooperation with technical focal points of the FGS and IFI members, as required. Secretariat staff will administratively report to the institution sponsoring them.
· An MA degree in economics, public administration or international development
· A minimum of 8 years’ experience working on public financial management (PFM) and accountability, central bank governance, public sector reform
· Direct advisory experience in fragile or conflict affected countries on PFM, financial governance and accountability.
· Experience in supporting multi-stakeholder initiatives and familiarity with development partner aid coordination mechanisms
· Practical experience in the design and implementation of technical assistance programmes for PFM and financial governance in a fragile or conflict affected states.
· Good judgment in dealing with complex and sensitive policy issues and ability to build relationships and partnerships with multiple and diverse actors.
· Excellent written and oral communication skills and ability to persuasively communicate technical concepts 0

Interested candidates should submit their CV along with their application letter via e-mail with reference to “BHJOB2678_821” in the subject line. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

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